Friday, May 3, 2013

Are You One of the 54,559,615 ? I am.

With 54,559,615 abortions performed from 1973-2011 chances are, you or someone you know, has made that choice. When we made that choice we had no idea the impact it would have, even years later. That choice has the ability to affect our marriages, our parenting, our friendships, and most importantly our relationship with God. 

Sometimes the choice isn't ours; someone else has made the choice and there is an obligation to follow through, even if you don't want to.  Sometimes, the choice is ours and we convince our self this is the best decision for all concerned.  Sometimes, the choice is made out of fear; fear that everyone will know, fear that you will never finish school, fear of what everyone else will think, or fear of disappointing someone. Maybe you didn't want her to make that choice, and she did anyway.  Maybe you didn't know there was a choice to make until after it was made. It doesn't matter your reason because the bottom line is the same...the cost was much more than we ever expected.  Sometimes we begin to pay the price right away and sometimes we may not start paying until years later. 

If you are one of the 54,559,615 (plus) men or women that have been allowing the guilt and shame of abortion to control and affect your relationships, your choices, or your emotions, know that you are not alone.

Join me on June 7th and 8th at Peytonsville Church in Thompson Station, TN.  This event is for men and women.  This is a safe place where you will be treated with respect and confidentiality. During the event you will  hear stories from those who have walked in your shoes. You will have the opportunity to take a step towards healing through the different topics and sessions we will offer.  There is hope! 

Come just as you are...the choice is yours

Choose Healing

 (*if you are unable to attend and are carrying guilt and shame over the choice of abortion and are ready to move forward, please email me and I will send you information and resources that can start your journey towards freedom! ) 

In Jesus we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace.  Ephesians 1:7

One day at a time, one moment at a time, there is always HOPE!  

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