Friday, May 3, 2013

Poems by Kara Coats

In honor of the event Choose Healing  on June 7th and 8th in Peytonsville, TN (click here for more information) my friend Kara Coats has written two poems.  

If you have abortion in your past and you have felt the affects of regret, guilt, shame, please know there is hope!  

There we were
Sitting in that office
Waiting our turn
Afraid to be there
Afraid to leave
Afraid to make a choice
Afraid not to

Maybe it was pride or selfishness or even
Someone else’s idea
But, for whatever reason
We were there

We went in together
And I came out alone
More alone than I have ever been
That feeling has never left me
Your memory is still with me
And it never leaves my heart
I have even tried to leave it behind
Filling myself with emptiness and lies
And there you are
Quietly rolling down my cheek
I miss you

If I could go back
I would carry you out of there and never leave you!
I would stand up to anyone trying to tell us
What to do and say no!
I would hold you in my arms
And I would keep you safe from harm
And we would be together
And I would wipe away your tears

Kara Coats 2013

He Was a Daddy
Maybe he insisted it be done
Maybe he allowed it to be done
Maybe he tried to stop it from being done
Or maybe he was given no choice and
It was already done
He was a daddy

Maybe he panicked
Maybe he caved
Maybe he stood up and said, “Don’t do this thing!”
Or maybe he didn’t even know til it was
Too late that he was a daddy

What if he could go back and change what happened?
What would he change?
The beginning?
The middle?
The end?

The truth is he can’t change even one small thing
And the truth is one small being did not
Get the chance to make memories on this earth
But he will never forget
He was a daddy

His heart reminds him of what never got to be
His head reminds him of what might have been
But his Heavenly Father reminds him that
Heaven is forever
And he IS a daddy

Kara Coats 2013

One day at a time, one moment at a time, there is always HOPE

Are You One of the 54,559,615 ? I am.

With 54,559,615 abortions performed from 1973-2011 chances are, you or someone you know, has made that choice. When we made that choice we had no idea the impact it would have, even years later. That choice has the ability to affect our marriages, our parenting, our friendships, and most importantly our relationship with God. 

Sometimes the choice isn't ours; someone else has made the choice and there is an obligation to follow through, even if you don't want to.  Sometimes, the choice is ours and we convince our self this is the best decision for all concerned.  Sometimes, the choice is made out of fear; fear that everyone will know, fear that you will never finish school, fear of what everyone else will think, or fear of disappointing someone. Maybe you didn't want her to make that choice, and she did anyway.  Maybe you didn't know there was a choice to make until after it was made. It doesn't matter your reason because the bottom line is the same...the cost was much more than we ever expected.  Sometimes we begin to pay the price right away and sometimes we may not start paying until years later. 

If you are one of the 54,559,615 (plus) men or women that have been allowing the guilt and shame of abortion to control and affect your relationships, your choices, or your emotions, know that you are not alone.

Join me on June 7th and 8th at Peytonsville Church in Thompson Station, TN.  This event is for men and women.  This is a safe place where you will be treated with respect and confidentiality. During the event you will  hear stories from those who have walked in your shoes. You will have the opportunity to take a step towards healing through the different topics and sessions we will offer.  There is hope! 

Come just as you are...the choice is yours

Choose Healing

 (*if you are unable to attend and are carrying guilt and shame over the choice of abortion and are ready to move forward, please email me and I will send you information and resources that can start your journey towards freedom! ) 

In Jesus we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace.  Ephesians 1:7

One day at a time, one moment at a time, there is always HOPE!  

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Past Choices and the Power of Forgiveness

January 22, 2013 marked forty years since abortion became legal in the United States.  This December, will mark thirty two years ago, since my first abortion.  This is not something I am proud about, nor is it something I would choose ever again. 

When I speak on the topic of Forgiveness I share my testimony on abortion and learning to walk through forgiving others, forgiving myself, and learning to accept God's forgiveness.

I had the opportunity to share a little bit of my testimony on this topic during the morning show on 94Fm The Fish. Here are the links to the two breaks we did.  Sharing with Doug and Jaci on The Fish part 1 and Sharing with Doug and Jaci on The Fish part 2

During the interview I mention a retreat I went on with a small group of women who also had abortion in their past.   If you have abortion in your past, I highly recommend attending this retreat or a similar program.  Click here for more information on this retreat.

Because of my ministry and writing style, the blogs I write always have a personal touch from my experiences, things I have learned, or a subject that has touched my heart in some way.  In February 2011, I posted a blog about being pro-life but having abortion in my past, if you missed it here is the direct link for that blog I am Pro Life but...

Here is another link to a blog I wrote in February 2012, titled Life After Abortion.

One final thought...If you are in the middle Tennessee area I would like to invite you to a FREE event on March 16, 2013.  This is an all day conference for women...A Time to Hope; A Time to Heal.
Please click here for the Website and here for the Facebook Event Page

As always...One Day at a Time, One Moment at a Time, There is Always Hope!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A Sneak Peek Into My Private Journal...My Top Seven Goals For 2013

A Sneak peek into my private journal:

2013!  My how fast the years seem to pass.  When I  graduated high school in 1984,  I recall thinking how far away the year 2000 seemed at the time.  Now to consider we have surpassed that year by thirteen additional years, amazes me.  It seems the older I get the faster time tends to go by. 

At the beginning of every New Year many people take time to make resolutions for the coming year. Over the years I have had good intentions to fulfill my resolutions, although it always seems to end up being the same resolution that I failed at succeeding the year before. 

I have decided to take a new approach!  I have set seven realistic goals for 2013.

My Top Seven Goals For 2013

1.  Accept the aging process. It is a given, that as I edge closer to fifty, that wrinkles, sagging skin, gray hair, and a few other unwanted age related issues will continue to invade my body.  While I am certainly not ready to give in completely, I will continue to do what I can to feel good about myself, while accepting the changes (instead of complaining and feeling depressed). Trying to maintain a balance!

2. Be diligent with taking care of my body.  This includes taking vitamins, walking, and getting proper sleep. Also, following through with the program at Blue Sky MD that has helped me with hormone issues, weight loss, and in the process of these two programs, they discovered I have Hypothyroidism , and they are working with me to regulate this. 

3. Be more aware of red flags and place boundaries where they are needed. Even though I speak on this topic it is an on going process and for each red flag or boundary I face, another one seems to be just around the corner. 

4. Finish the revisions and additions to my book A Scarlet Cord of Hope. The revision and addition process is taking me longer than it did to first publish my book!  :)

5. Pursue God with heart felt passion and confidence. There is always room to grow in my relationship with God! To truly pursue with passion takes intentional effort, commitment, and diligence. It is easy to let the distractions of the world interrupt my pursuit.  As my ministry grows and God allows me to share HOPE- I pray that I never speak, write, or share in my flesh.  My heart desires to serve God in all that I do. I want to share all that I have found; mercy, grace, forgiveness, and HOPE!

6. Love and serve my family well. To desire to love and serve your family seems like a "no brainer", however, when  I am tired,  irritated, or not quite feeling loved and served, it is certainly more challenging.  My goal is in spite of my feelings, I will desire to love and serve my family well under any and all circumstances.   

7.  Be consistent in what I do.  I have created an ENewsletter, a blog, have continued working on revisions, and have a heart felt desire for another book! I have also created new speaking topics and updated ones I have. While I thoroughly LOVE all of this  I recognize I can't do it all. My day only has so many hours that I can devote to sitting in my office :) So, for a season, I will put my ENewsletter on hold, set a goal to blog a minimum of one time a month, and once I finish the three new speaking topics (Boundaries, Abortion and Healing, and a specific topic regarding Mother/Daughter relationships) I WILL be consistent in finishing my revisions and look forward to what WordCraft Publishing can do as my new publisher!  I am also excited to see 2013 starting out strong with speaking events! 

I pray that God continue to use my scarlet cord for His Glory and purpose and that I will be obedient and diligent in all that the Lord has for me in 2013!

As always....One day at a time, One moment at a time, There is always HOPE!